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Discount Roofing Services

Excellent reviews and many return customers

Discount Roofing Services specializes in a variety of exterior restoration services to help maintain and restore your home or investment. We offer free property inspections, assist with hail and wind damage claims or private repairs, as well as full roof replacements, gutters, windows, siding and paint. As a Colorado owned and operated company we are knowledgable when it comes to roofing for the elements, and we utilize the best materials and offer warranties to keep you and your home protected for years to come.

Full Service Exterior Restoration

Discount Roofing Services is not just a roofing contractor. We are a full service Exterior Restoration Contractor, which means we can handle every aspect of your exterior job, from roof replacement to gutters, paint and more. Rest assured your project will run smooth and you will have one point of contact vs various contractors.

Easy Process for Getting Your Roof Replaced

01 Free Property Inspections

Colorado is ranked the #1 state for hail and wind storms. It is likely your home will be impacted by a storm at some point. Prior to filing a claim, we offer a free exterior property inspection which a thorough review of your roofing system and gutters. This inspection will determine whether or not there is enough damage to justify filing a claim with your insurance company. We take pride in being an honest and ethical contract. There are many times we have to inform the home owner there is not any damage, which is a relief for them. If filing a claim is necessary we can assist you with the process.


02 Insurance Claims

Filing an insurance claim for an exterior property repair, including a roof replacement after a hail or wind storm in Colorado is common. The process is simple, and our team at Discount Roofing Services can assist you every stem of the way and will advocate to ensure you receive fair payment for the claim and your home is restored to pre-storm condition. Below are the basic steps of an insurance claims:

  1. Call your insurance company to file a claim.
  2. Your insurance adjuster will contact you to schedule an adjustment appointment. Please make Discount Roofing Services are of the appointment so we can be present.
  3. Your insurance adjuster will out together an estimate and check. Once you receive these documents you should notify Discount Roofing Services so we can schedule materials and production.

03 Production

Once your claim is approved, and the work has been agreed upon by your insurance company we can schedule for materials to be delivered and production to begin. Prior to materials being delivered you will meet with a Discount Roofing Services Project Manager to make final material and color selections, and discuss any additional upgrades you may select to have performed out of pocket. Materials will be delivered to your property and work will begin within days of the materials being delivered. We will begin production by protecting your property with tarps, and will finish by cleaning up and having a final meeting with you to review the completed work performed.

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